RCI Banque’s 2015 first-half earnings before tax came to €422 million euros, up 17.5% compared to end-June 2014. Average outstanding performing loans increased by 11.1% and amounted to €27.6 billion.
New financings came to €7.7 billion, a 29.2% growth in the period. The penetration rate on the Alliance manufacturers’ deliveries reached 36.5%, a 3.1-point increase compared to first-half 2014.

RCI Banque took advantage of competitive rates in the capital markets, to raise €4.6 billion during the first semester 2015, an amount equal to funds raised in all of 2014.
Additionally, total retail savings deposits increased further. Deposits collected at end-June 2015 came to €7 billion, accounting for over 25% of RCI Banque’s average outstanding performing loans. Launched on June 8th, RCI Banque continued expanding its retail collections through RCI Bank in the United Kingdom.


  • New financings increased by 29.2% compared to first-half 2014, amounting to €7.7 billion with 686,872 vehicles financed.
  • Penetration rate grew by 3.1 points during the first six months of 2015, at 36.5% of registrations.
  • Average outstanding performing loans were up 11.1% compared with first-half 2014, reaching €27.6 billion.
  • Net banking income came to €674 million, an increase of 6.6%, representing 4.93% of average loans outstanding at end-June 2015.
  • Operating ratio stood at 31.3%, a slight increase of 0.5 points compared to end-June 2014.
  • Cost of risk came to 0.31% of outstanding loans, down 0.16 points compared to first-half 2014.
  • Earnings before tax amounted to €422 million, up 17.5% compared to the first semester 2014.


Results achieved during the first semester confirm RCI Banque’s momentum towards reaching its objectives. Thanks to the commitment of the whole firm, operations delivered a high-level profitability, contributing to the success of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, declared Dominique THORMANN, Chairman of RCI Banque.


RCI Banque’s sales performance continued improving during the first half, consistent with the group’s growth strategy. This was supported by a strong performance of financing operations and by the launching of new services. Growth in retail deposits reinforced RCI Banque’s funding competitiveness, declared Gianluca DE FICCHY, Chief Executive Officer of RCI Banque.

RCI Banque posted a strong first-half sales performance

The Alliance’s brands sales growth in Europe was offset by a decrease in main emerging markets during the first semester 2015. In the period, RCI Banque’s penetration rate came to 36.5%, up 3.1 points, increasing on five brands of the Alliance.
The number of vehicles financed grew by 14.4% during first-half 2015, reaching 686,872 new financing contracts. New financings amounted to €7.7 billion, a 29.2% growth in the period.

Services business, a major component of the group’s strategic plan, developed further in first-half 2015. 1.36 million services contracts were booked, an increase of 32.2% from end-June 2014. 


Financial performance remains strong

Average loans outstanding increased by 11.1% compared to end-June 2014, reaching €27.6 billion.
Net banking income came to €674 million, up 6.6% in the period.
Operating expenses remained under control at 1.54% of average performing loans outstanding, improving by 0.4 points. The cost-income ratio remains at a benchmark low level, coming at 31.3%, down 0.5 points. The cost of risk improved significantly, at 0.31% of outstanding loans in the first half of 2015, from 0.47% at end-June 2014.

Earnings before tax amounted to €422 million, up by 17.5% compared to June 30, 2015, an increase of €62.9 million.

RCI Banque continues to diversify its refinancing

RCI Banque continued to diversify its sources of funding during the first semester 2015. The maturity of the group’s debt was extended as a result of a 7-year bond issue for an amount of €750 million. The company also issued €500 million in 5-year fixed rate format and €750 million in 3-year floating rate format, as well as several private placement with an average maturity of 1.6 years amounting to €925 million. Outside of the Eurozone, RCI Banque placed two asset-backed securities, for £600 million in the United Kingdom and R$466 million in Brazil.

Following the launch of retail savings accounts in France in 2012, then in Germany and Austria, RCI Banque extended this activity in the United Kingdom in June. Total deposits collected at end-June 2015 came to €7 billion, accounting for over 25% of the group’s average performing loans outstanding.

In line with its strategic plan, RCI Banque is expanding internationally to support the sales development of the Alliance’s brands. Growth in sales of services is a priority for all the entities of the group. This activity contributes to customers’ satisfaction, enhances their loyalty to the Alliance’s brands and increases RCI Banque’s profits, while diversifying its revenue sources. 


Press Contacts

Sophie Guiot

RCI Bank and Services

The Group’s statutory auditors have conducted a limited review of these financial statements and their half-year report will be issued shortly.